Follow me as I try to find excitement and inspiration in the mundane drone that life can sometimes become. See what inspires me and maybe this journey will lead somewhere...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Randomness is my FAVORITE. So Saturday night I had a dream about the most wonderful gourmet cupcake. I woke up Sunday morning and the first thing I say to Jared is "I want a gourmet cupcake." Not just ANY cupcake- a gourmet one. Well, dreams are pretty powerful I think because I have not stopped thinking about gourmet cupcakes since Sunday morning. I even made some Pillsbury Funfetti cupcakes with Betty Crocker Rainbow Chip frosting hoping that those would satisfy my need for a cupcake. As amazing as boxed cupcakes are, I still wanted a fancy one. Tuesdays mission: find a gourmet cupcake. I Googled 'gourmet cupcakes fort collins colorado' and much to my delight this wonderful website popped up! It was a website describing a little bakery called Butter Cream Cupcakery.... mmmmmm. So I put my happy face on. I also discovered if I whispered the word 'lemon' to them I got a free cupcake! So naturally, I went to the wonderful cupcakery and got one free cupcake (lemon) and one not free cupcake (red velvet). They were amazing! Everything I had dreamed about and so much more! Oh the joy of cupcakes. Count: I said a variation of the word 'cupcake' 14 times in this very short little narrative. Go me. Visit their website HERE

Monday, March 1, 2010

Well if you know me, you know I'm a dreamer, and if you don't know me.... you now know that I am a dreamer. I have this AWESOME bedroom- and it exists in my head. Yeah, yeah I know some dreams are big and some are small. This one starts in the ridiculously amazing decoration of my bedroom. So I'll post some pictures here and there of my bedroom inspirations and you just let me know what you think (these are just a few- more to come). I know some of it's a little off beat but whatever... and poor Jared... He's just going to have to get christened into girldom... slowly- piece by piece. (All of the WONDERFUL items found above- except the bedroom scene- can be found at Anthropologie if you LOVE them as much as I do! And also the pink chandelier can be found at French Bedroom Company )

Lucille Griffin

Tonight in the shower I had the most random thought about someone I have not thought about in a long time. I had even, sadly, forgotten her first name and probably only remembered her last name because I shared it for so long. Her name was Lucille Griffin and she was my great grandmother- my dad's Grandmother. I called her Mommee (though I'm not even sure how to spell that). I thought about the smell of her house, the socks she always gave me for Christmas (that were inevitably too small), and I even heard her voice. She had such a distinct voice.
I don't know what brought her to mind, but when I thought about how she spent the last of her life, I cried. If only I had been older I would have understood the importance of visiting a family member in a nursing home. I hope she knows that I understand now and I'm sorry that I couldn't provide comfort for her while she was alone. I hope she didn't feel alone. I think she knows I care :)

Ahh... life

Well I'm officially a blogger I suppose. The main reason I started this blog is to share the photos that are inspiring me to do different things in my life... boring things really- like decorating my house, or finally getting an artistic photo shoot done of myself before I am too unattractive to do it (that is if I can figure out copyright laws- not getting sued if I can help it) . So mainly this blog is about everyday life. Nothing exciting- except maybe something exciting will happen! That's life (don't you love it when people say that?). Tonight (or this morning) you might get the ramblings of a girl on sleeping pills that don't work- obviously.
My problem with life right now is that every day is the same day- except the days that aren't the same, and those days tend to suck. So my proposition to God (p.s. God probably doesn't care about my proposition, but here it is) is that if he's going to change things up a bit, I'd like for the shake up to be an 'exciting in a good way' one. Who knows... I keep hoping for it! But that's okay- for now I'll take my inspiration from other people's good fortune and post the things that make me happy- and who knows, maybe you'll see some interesting things from my brain on here too... stay tuned :)


About Me

I am, in all outside appearances, normal. Get to know me and you'll know that I am far from normal. I'd like to be even less normal. Funny goal isn't it?